
I am a 26 year old abstract artist from Greer, SC. From an early age, I have utilized the power of creativity to further understand my own mind and emotions, as well as the outside world.

At 20 years old and in the midst of a heavy mental health crisis of sorts, I reached out to a familiar friend in creativity to begin my journey as an artist.  By painting, I developed a form of self-support and therapy. I am in no way classically trained or skilled in drawing or sketching, or any other artistic medium for that matter.

My work is derived from an inherent desire to express myself and to create a tangible piece of my heart and soul in the form of a painting. I have no plan when I am painting, no pre-established idea or design that I adhere to. I simply paint and let creativity reign.

I am not the artist, I am the vessel. This is my life’s work, through the windows of my soul.

Thank you. Mu­­­ch love.
